The young heir of a werewolf pack that has been defending their community for years is Freddy Lupin. He loses the Moonstone to Foxwell Cripp when attempting to use a magical Moonstone to track his fam...

4.90 342

The show centers on Bluey, an anthropomorphic six-year-old Blue Heeler dog who is known for her boundless energy, vivid imagination, and insatiable curiosity. The young dog lives with her mother, Chil...

9.50 461

The adventures of Mowgli, a human foundling raised by Aela's wolves pack, and his best friends, fatherly panther Bagheera and playful bear Baloo, in the Indian jungle, where many dangers lurk, such as...

6.40 6.10 111

The Ferals are an eclectic group of animals that live together in a backyard shed. There's a rat called Rattus, a feral cat called Modigliana, a rabbit called Mixy, and a feral dog called Derryn. The ...

6.60 7.60 111